Grab this Glad Food protection product coupon in preparation for next week’s sale. Both the 200 sf Cling Wrap and the 70 sf Press ‘N Seal will be on sale for $3.29 each or 2/$4.
Walgreens Deals (Starting 4/5)
Buy (2) Glad Cling Wrap 200sf or Glad Press ‘N Seal 70sf, $3.29 ea or 2/$4 Sale Price
(2) $0.75 on ONE(1) Glad Food Pro Product (ClingWrap 200 sq.ft or larger, Press’nSeal 70 sq.ft or larger, or Flex’nSeal 25ct or larger)
Total = $2.50, Get back 40 Everyday Points
= $1.23 each

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