Walgreens Coupons & Deals

Gillette Razors Up to 70% Off at Walgreens

by Christie Bisbee on March 29, 2020

We have a really nice deal this week on Gillette products at Walgreens! Select Gillette razors and cartridges will be on sale B1G1 50% off, plus, you’ll get a $5 Register Rewards when you spend $20 in participating Gillette products. We also have some nice high value coupons available to clip including $5 off a razor, $6 off cartridges, $7 off 2 Disposables and $1 off a Shave Prep.

Combine all of these offers and you’ll pay as little as 70% off retail for a Gillette Products!

Walgreens Deals (Thru 4/4)
Buy (1) Gillette ProGlide Shield Cartridges 4 ct, regular price $19.87
Buy (1) Gillette Fusion 5 Razor, sale price B1G1 50% Off $5.28
Total = $25.15
(1) $6 off 1 Gillette cartridge Walgreens Clip2Card coupon
(1) $5 off 1 Gillette razor Walgreens Clip2Card coupon
Get Back $5 (5,000 Register Reward wyb $20+)
= $9.15 for Both or $4.58 Each

Buy (1) Gillette Mach 3 Disposable Razors, regular price $12.49
Buy (1) Gillette Mach 3 Disposable Razors, sale price B1G1 50% Off $6.25
Buy (1) Gillette Fusion 5 Shave Prep, sale price $5.19
Total = $23.93
(1) $7 off 2 Gillette Disposable Razors Walgreens Clip2Card coupon
(1) $1 off 1 Gillette Shave Prep Walgreens Clip2Card coupon
Get Back $5 (5,000 Register Reward wyb $20+)
= $10.93 for Everything or $3.64 Each

Plus, to help make it easier for you to shop from home during these challenging times, Walgreens.com is offering free shipping, no minimum. Remember, most of our Walgreens clip2card coupons can be redeemed on-line, which an awesome feature that most other stores don’t offer!

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