Walgreens Coupons & Deals

New Neutrogena Ibotta = $3.66 Healthy Skin Enhancer (Reg. $12.99)

by Christie- on December 19, 2019

This week Neturogena Cosmetics are on sale B1G1 50% off.  In addition there is a wonderful Neutrogena Coupon in the December book that you can use. Plus a new $4 Neutrogena Healthy Skin Makeup ibotta has popped up with a limit of 2. However, the value of the ibotta may vary by user. Also, be on the lookout for coupons from the Catalina machine. Last time I bought Neutrogena, one popped out as my product was scanned. Now, some cashiers will let you use the coupon right away, but others may not hand it over until after the transaction. Not all Healthy Skin Varieties are included, so be sure to scan your product, but I scanned these and they were all a match to the ibotta.

Walgreens Deals (Thru 12/21)
Buy (2)  Neutrogena Healthy Skin Enhancer $12.99 B1G1 50% off Sale Price
$2/ Neutrogena Cosmetics (5040), Walgreens, December [$4]
Total = $15.48,  Get back 150 Everyday Points
+ $8 (Two $4/1 Neutrogena Health Skin Face Makeup Any variety or size ibotta deposit (limit 2) (Value may vary by user)
= $3.66 each (Reg. $12.99)

Buy (2)  Neutrogena Healthy Skin Pressed Powder $13.99 B1G1 50% off Sale Price
$2/ Neutrogena Cosmetics (5040), Walgreens, December [$4]
Total = $16.98,  Get back 160 Everyday Points
+ $8 (Two $4/1 Neutrogena Health Skin Face Makeup Any variety or size ibotta deposit (limit 2) (Value may vary by user)
= $4.41 each (Reg. $13.99)

Buy (2)  Neutrogena Healthy Skin Liquid Makeup $14.99 B1G1 50% off Sale Price
$2/ Neutrogena Cosmetics (5040), Walgreens, December [$4]
Total = $18.48,  Get back 180 Everyday Points
+ $8 (Two $4/1 Neutrogena Health Skin Face Makeup Any variety or size ibotta deposit (limit 2) (Value may vary by user)
= $5.15 each (Reg. $14.99)

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