Walgreens Coupons & Deals

Kleenex, Scott & Viva $2.30 Per Multipack!

by Christie- on October 14, 2019

This week there is an awesome Register Reward deal to earn $5 for spending $25 on participating Kimberly Clark paper products. However, I suspect this is a national catalina deal because I bought the Viva pictured in the ad but I also grabbed some Kleenex 3ct Trusted Care (regular size) and the Scott Paper Towel 6 rolls which are on sale this month B1G1 50% off, and my $5 RR printed! Remember that this week you’ll earn 10x Everyday points on transactions $20 or more with in-ad coupon. The Viva ibotta is only for the Multi-Surface variety so be sure not to grab the Signature cloth if you want to redeem it.

Here is my exact transaction

Walgreens Deals (Thru 10/19)
Buy (2) Scott Paper Towels 6 rolls, $5 B1G1 50% off Sale Price
Buy (2) Kleenex Trusted Care 4ct, $5 B1G1 50% off Sale Price
Buy (1) Viva Multi-Surface Paper Towels 6 rolls, $6.99 ea or 2/$12 Sale Price
Buy (1) Viva Signature Cloth 6 rolls, $6.99 each or 2/$12 Sale Price
In-ad coupon for 10x Everyday points
(2) 50¢/1 Kleenex bundle or (3) single boxes (value may vary)
(2) $1/1 Scott Paper Towels 6 rolls + (value may vary)
(2) 50¢/1 Viva Paper Towels 6pk+, exp. 11/03/19 (SS 10/6/19)
Total = $23, Get back 2700 (10x Everyday Points)
+ $5 RR for spending $25
+ $1.50/1 Viva Multi Surface Cloth 6ct ibotta deposit
= $2.30 each!

Here are a few scenarios to consider.

Buy (4) Cottonelle Bath Tissue 6 Mega Rolls or 12 Double Rolls, $6.99 each or 2/$12 Sale Price
Buy (1) Viva Multi-Surface Paper Towels 6 rolls, $6.99 ea or 2/$12 Sale Price
(4) $1/1 Cottonelle Toilet Paper 6+ rolls, exp. 10/6/19 (SS 9/8/19 #1)
(1) 50¢/1 Viva Paper Towels 6pk+, exp. 11/03/19 (SS 10/6/19)
In-ad coupon for 10x Everyday points
Total = $25.5, Get back 3000 (10x Everyday Points)
+ $5 RR for spending $25+
+ $1.50/1 Viva Multi Surface Cloth 6ct ibotta deposit
= $3.20 each

Buy (3) Cottonelle Bath Tissue 6 Mega Rolls or 12 Double Rolls, $6.99 each or 2/$12 Sale Price
Buy (2) Viva Multi-Surface Paper Towels 6 rolls, $6.99 ea or 2/$12 Sale Price
(3) $1/1 Cottonelle Toilet Paper 6+ rolls, exp. 10/6/19 (SS 9/8/19 #1)
(2) 50¢/1 Viva Paper Towels 6pk+, exp. 11/03/19 (SS 10/6/19)
In-ad coupon for 10x Everyday points
Total = $26, Get back 3000 (10x Everyday Points)
+ $5 RR for spending $25+
+ $1.50/1 Viva Multi Surface Cloth 6ct ibotta deposit
= $3.30 each

Buy (2) Cottonelle Bath Tissue 6 Mega Rolls or 12 Double Rolls, $6.99 each or 2/$12 Sale Price
Buy (1) Viva Paper Towels 6 rolls, $6.99 ea or 2/$12 Sale Price
Buy (1) Kleenex Facial Tissue 3 px 3X More Plus, $5.99 Sale Price
Buy (1) Scott Bath Tissue 6 Mega Rolls, $5.99 Sale Price
(1) 50¢/1 Kleenex bundle or (3) single boxes (value may vary)
(2) $1/1 Cottonelle Toilet Paper 6+ rolls, exp. 10/6/19 (SS 9/8/19 #1)
(1) 50¢/1 Viva Paper Towels 6pk+, exp. 11/03/19 (SS 10/6/19)
(1) 50¢/1 Scott Bath Tissue Rolls 6pk+, exp. 11/03/19 (SS 10/6/19)
In-ad coupon for 10x Everyday points
Total = $26.48, Get back 2900 (10x Everyday Points)
+ $5 RR for spending $25+
+ $1.50/1 Viva Multi Surface Cloth 6ct ibotta deposit
+ 50¢/1 Scott Comfort Plus Mega Rolls 6ct+ ibotta deposit
= $3.32 each

Savings Tip: Do you use Fetch Rewards? You can potentially earn points when you do this deal, check your app for more! If you haven’t signed up, go HERE to learn how to easily earn Amazon, CVS & Target gift cards and more when you shop with Fetch Rewards!

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