Walgreens Coupons & Deals

Nutri-Grain Kids Products At Walgreens – $1.47 Each 10ct Box!

by Christie- on July 22, 2019

The new Nutri Grain Mini Breakfast Bars geared towards kids are at Walgreens! I spotted these in the seasonal aisle. They are on sale for $3.99 each or 2/$7. These are called bites in the box but are the same 1.3 oz pouches in the smaller 5ct boxes called Kids. These are big 10 ct pouches in each box. I found Awesome Apple and Strawberry Blast at Walgreens. Grab this Kellogg’s Nutri Grain coupon  good on kids’ products 5ct or larger. Plus there is an ibotta for $1 cash back when you buy one 10ct product with a limit of 5. Both of these scan as a match to the ibotta.

Walgreens Deals (thru 8/20 — when coupon expires)
Buy (2) Kellogg’s Nutri Grain Bites 10ct, $3.99 each or 2/$7 Sale Price
(2) $1/1 Kellogg’s Nutri Grain Kids Bar 5ct+ any flavor 
Total = $5, Get back 70 Everyday Points
+ $2 (Two $1/1 Kellogg’s Nutri Grain Kids offer 10ct  box ibotta deposit (limit 5))
= $1.47 each (Reg $6.49) or 15¢ per pouch!


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