Walgreens Coupons & Deals

New Ibottas for Chobani – 75¢ Each Flip or Cup Yogurt Next Week!

by Christie- on June 27, 2019

Next week Chobani Greek Yogurt including the Flip varieties will be on sale $1.59 each or 2 for $2. Plus, new ibottas popped up for 25¢ cash back on (1). These are separate ibottas and the limit is a whopping 5 each. You’ll pay just 75¢ per item. As of right now the ibottas read thru the sale period, but be sure to check right before you buy since ibottas can disappear without warning.

Walgreens Deals (Starting 6/30)
Buy (2) Chobani Flip or Chobani Greek yogurt cup, $1.59 each or 2/$2
Total = $2, Get back
Two ibottas:
25¢/1 Chobani Greek Yogurt Cup 5.3oz, any variety ibotta deposit (limit 5)
OR 25¢/1 Chobani Flip Yogurt 5.3oz, any variety ibotta deposit (limit 5)
= 75¢ each

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