Walgreens Coupons & Deals

Awesome Deal on Pampers Super Packs!

by Christie Bisbee on June 9, 2019

Do you have a little one at home? If you do, we’ve got a great deal on Pampers! This week at Walgreens Pampers Super Packs are on sale for 2/$50. Plus, we have a high value $6/2 Pampers Super Packs Walgreens Clip2Card Coupon we can use and there are a couple of nice ibotta offers too. In addition, we have a new exciting rebate offer for select P&G products at Walgreens!

Buy $50 of Pantene, Head & Shoulders, Aussie, Herbal Essences, Secret, Olay Body Wash, Old Spice, Safeguard, Ivory, Gillette, Venus, Crest, Oral-B, Pampers, Tampax, Always or Always Discreet Items from Walgreens and/or Walgreens.com between June 1, 2019 to July 31, 2019 and you’ll get a $20 Walgreens gift card! Keep in mind the $50 purchase total applies to the price paid after any coupon or discount has been applied.

Your best bet is to buy (1) super pack of Pampers Cruisers and (1) super pack of Pampers Swaddlers. Put all those together and you can get a great price on Pampers Super packs and wipes this week. Check it out…

Walgreens Deals (Starting 6/9)
Buy (2) Pampers Super Packs, 2/$50, sale price
Buy (2) Pampers Wipes, $3.49
Total = $56.98
(1) $6/2 Pampers Super Packs Walgreens Clip2Card Coupon
Total = $50.98
+ 56¢ (Everyday Points 560 Points)
+$20 P&G Rebate WYB $50 (after coupons & offers)
Get Back $3 from ibotta for Pampers Cruisers
Get Back $3 from ibotta for Pampers Swaddlers
= $24.42 for Everything!

That’s like paying just $12.21 for each Super Pack & getting (2) Free Wipes! We love Pampers for our little girl, so I’ll be doing this deal. And remember, if you have points to spend, you can spend up to 50,000 ($50) in one transaction.

Be sure to check out all the details on the P&G rebate HERE.

{ 2 comments… read them below or add one }

Terri June 9, 2019 at 3:27 pm

I don’t have the patience for mail-in rebates generally, but $20 off $50? I’ll do that! And since I didn’t actually have to MAIL it in, even better. I went the all-diaper route – two Super Packs of Swaddlers (one size 1 and one size 2) for $50 and two bags of Swaddlers (size 3) for $20. (I get funny looks from cashiers when I buy all different sizes, but I donate the diapers. All sizes are needed.) I had the $6 digital coupon mentioned above for the Super Packs. I also had a $4 digital coupon for one of the bags and a $2 printed coupon from Pampers.com for the second bag. I submitted a claim to Ibotta for four Swaddlers. After the $12 from Ibotta and eventually $20 from the rebate, I will have spent just $26 (plus some tax, of course) for 260 diapers. Ten cents per diaper is quite a deal!


Christie Bisbee June 11, 2019 at 1:28 pm

Yes! 10¢ a diaper is crazy good!


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