Walgreens Coupons & Deals

Save 58% on Pampers at Walgreens!

by Christie Bisbee on April 21, 2019

We have a great deal on Pampers products this week at Walgreens. This week Pampers jumbo packs are on sale for 2/$20. We also have various Walgreens Digital Clip2Card coupons for Pampers available. Plus, we have an IVC coupon in our April book for $3 off the super packs. And there’s still time to take advantage of the $15 when you spend $50 P&G rebate that includes Pampers! Don’t forget, this week you’ll also earn 10x points when you spend $20+.

So there are various awesome offers we can stack to get huge savings on Pampers. When you put them all together it’s like paying $15 for the super pack and $5 for each jumbo pack. That’s about 58% off regular prices! Here’s your deal…

Walgreens Deals (Thru 5/4)
Buy (3) Pampers jumbo packs, 2/$20 Sale Price
Buy (1) Pampers super pack, $29.99 Sale Price
(1) $3/1 Pampers super pack IVC Walgreens Coupon Clip2Card
(1) $3/1 Pampers super pack MQ Clip2Card
(1) $3/2 Pampers jumbo packs MQ Clip2Card
Total = $50.99, Get back 10x Everyday Points (5900 pts)
+ Submit for $15 wyb $50 P&G Rebate
= $30.09 For Everything

If you already have purchased some items towards the rebate and don’t need to spend the full $50, consider picking up 2 jumbo packs or just one super pack!

Remember, you have till 4/30 for this rebate. You’ll earn $15 when you spend $50 on select P&G products, including Pampers! Keep in mind the $50 purchase total applies to the price paid after any coupon or discount has been applied. You can submit multiple receipts and participating products also include Crest, Gillette, Pantene, Olay and many more. Go to http://www.pgbeautyrebate.com for details and the rebate form.

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