Next week Sate Fair Corn Dogs will be on sale $2.99 each or 4/$10. Check your ibotta app for an awesome offer of 75¢ back on one with a limit of 5! As of right now the ibotta reads thru the sale period next week, but be sure to check right before you buy. Remember ibottas can disappear without warning. If it’s still there, you’ll pay just $1.73 per box.
Walgreens Coupons (Starting 4/7)
Buy (4) State Fair Corn Dogs $2.99 each or 4/$10 Sale Price
Total = $10, Get back 100 Everyday Points
+ $3+ (Four 75¢/1 State Fair Corn Dogs 6ct ibotta deposit (limit 5))
= $1.73 each!

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How do you get them for $1.39 each next week?