Walgreens Coupons & Deals

New Pepsi Coupon – 12 Packs As Low As $2.68!

by Christie- on February 24, 2019

pepsi couponWoo hoo! a brand new Pepsi product coupon has popped up! You’ll save $2 off any 12 pack of Pepsi (any variety) and one  Pepsi Zero 20 oz  bottle. This has ane expiration date of 4/7, and this week the 12 packs are on sale for $5.99 each or 3/$11.99. Plus there is a $2/3 Walgreens Coupon available to clip to your card. Keep in mind that drink prices and inclusions can vary by area so be sure to double check your ad. At my store the 20 oz bottles are on sale 2 for $3.50. Your third bottle will ring up at $1.75. The availability of the Pepsi Zero will also vary by area. Here are some ideas.

Walgreens Deals (Thru 3/2)
Buy (2) Pepsi Zero 12 packs, $5.99 each or 3/$11.99 Sale Price
Buy (1) Pepsi (any variety) 12 pack, $5.99 each or 3/$11.99 Sale Price
Buy (3) Pepsi Zero 20 oz, $1.99 each or 2/$3.50 Buy More & Save Price
$2/3 Pepsi or Coca cola 12 packs Clip2Card Walgreens Coupon
(3) $2.00 on any ONE (1) Pepsi 12-pack and ONE (1) 20 oz Pepsi Zero Sugar
Total = $9.24, Get back 150 Everyday Points
+ $1 (Two 50¢/1 Pepsi Zero 12 pack ibotta deposit (limit 2))
= $2.68 each set of 1 Pepsi 12pk and 1 Pepsi Zero 20 oz!

Buy (3) Pepsi (any variety) 12 pack, $5.99 each or 3/$11.99 Sale Price
Buy (3) Pepsi Zero 20 oz, $1.99 each or 2/$3.50 Buy More & Save Price
$2/3 Pepsi or Coca cola 12 packs Clip2Card Walgreens Coupon
(3) $2.00 on any ONE (1) Pepsi 12-pack and ONE (1) 20 oz Pepsi Zero Sugar
Total = $9.24, Get back 150 Everyday Points
= $3.03 each set of 1 Pepsi 12pk and 1 Pepsi Zero 20 oz!

{ 2 comments… read them below or add one }

Jane February 27, 2019 at 6:13 pm

there is also a new 50c/1 Pepsi Zero 20 oz. ibotta (limit 2) so take another $1 off your scenario 1!


Jane February 27, 2019 at 6:19 pm

Also, the new printable $2 coupon is available to clip to card. Then you will only need 2 paper coupons for the deal. My store has been funny lately on limits!


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