Walgreens Coupons & Deals

Hurry! Sale Price Overlap on Coke 12 Packs – $2.22 Each!

by Christie- on February 17, 2019

coca cola dealsCheck your store ad for the sale price on Coca Cola 12 packs. Keep in mind that the sale prices on soft drinks vary by region. At my store these are $5.99 each or 3/$11.99. Plus, there is a Walgreens Coupon available to clip to your card for $2 off on (3). However, there is some sort of crazy double dip going on. The receipt shows there is also a sale to buy two and get the third one for 1¢, so for some reason it is deducting $2.66 off the EACH of the first two packs that ring up at $5.99 and charging only 1¢ for the third one for a grand total of $6.67 for three 12 packs. I’m sure this is some sort of glitch that will be reversed, but if you’re out today you may want to try to grab cokes for $2.22 per 12 pack. I can’t say how long this will work, so just be prepared.

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Jane February 17, 2019 at 4:46 pm

Do you think it was ringing that way because your 3rd 12 pack was a Dr. Pepper? My coupon says “Coke or Pepsi mix or match”

I was coming here to tell you there is a 50c ibotta for Pepsi Zero Sugar, limit 2. I was planning on getting 2 of those and either a Coke or Pepsi product for my 3rd 12 pack. Now you have me wondering if I should try for the Dr. Pepper. In my area, I think D. Pepper is a 7up product and that may throw the whole deal since the $2/3 digital is for specific ones.


Harriet February 17, 2019 at 6:46 pm

Hi Jane, I bought all cokes it worked. My friend bought Dr. Pepper and coke and it also worked.The Pepsi were also included in my sale, but neither of us got it.


Jane February 18, 2019 at 11:10 am

Thanks Harriet! I went at 8 am today and it’s still working! I bought 2 Pepsi Zero Sugar + 1 Sprite Zero (a Coke product) and my receipt looks exactly like the one here. Our Dr. Pepper was not tagged as 3/ $11.99 like the others were. At first after she scanned my Rewards card and said the total it was over $12.00 and I figured the deal was dead, though I knew the clipped to card for $2 should have come off……it took a few seconds to spit out the new total ($7 and change) so I was happy!
Thanks for posting this deal guys!
*I already claimed my extra $1 on ibotta too!


Steph February 18, 2019 at 8:22 pm

Just wanted to let you know… went into my Walgreens tonight (about 8:00 PM) and this was still working! I picked up 2 Diet Cokes and 1 Diet Dr. Pepper. The diet Dr. Pepper rang up at $.01!


Jordyn February 18, 2019 at 11:50 pm

If I do all Dr.Peppers will it work or do I have to get a coke product too?


Harriet February 19, 2019 at 12:28 am

It will work if you grab all Dr. Peppers, provided the glitch is still working.


Jim February 19, 2019 at 6:46 pm

Worked as described around 3:30 this afternoon (2/19/19) in Calif.


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