New Snickers coupons have popped up for the new Creamy variety. These print with an expiration date of 2/28. The Creamy Snickers singles are already at Walgreens, and the Mars singles candy bars will be on sale for 79¢ each or 3/$2 starting 2/10. Grab your coupon now.
- Save $1.00 when you buy any ONE (1) Creamy SNICKERS® Sharing Size Bag (7.70-9.10 oz.)
- Save $0.50 on any TWO (2) Creamy SNICKERS® Single or Share Size Bars (1.40-3.29 oz.)
Walgreens Deals (Starting 2/10)
Buy (6) Snickers Creamy singles bars, 79¢ each or 3/$2 Sale Price
(3) 50¢/2 Creamy SNICKERS® Single or Share Size Bars (1.40-3.29 oz.)
Total = $2.50, Get back 40 Everyday Points
= 41¢ each!

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