Walgreens Coupons & Deals

Ideas for Friends & Family Discount – 1/25-1/26 Only!

by Christie- on January 24, 2019

friends and familyHere are some ideas for Friends and Family Discount that you can grab on Friday and Saturday! We’ll get 25% off all Regularly Priced Items. This coupon does exclude the usual suspects like dairy, and stamps among other things. This time around it is digital coupon AND a printable version, so it’s possible we’ll be able to make more than one transaction! The F&F discount is also working on Sunday, but the new Walgreens Month starts on Sunday, so any points deals below won’t work then and I don’t know what will be regularly priced next month, so again, these deal ideas are only for FRIDAY & SATURDAY.

Keep in mind that it does exclude sale prices, but items regularly priced that have an offer to earn points or Register Rewards will work. For offers that require a designated threshold you’ll have to reach the total after the Friends & Family Discounted prices! On the Cottonelle deal below, don’t use the Walgreens Coupon in the January book. The Walgreens Coupon and a 25% off don’t work together, but you’ll get a better deal with just the 25%. For the Nyx deal below, ONLY THE Glitters are included in the $5 WYB $10 deal. There’s a different points deal for the other Nyx Cosmetics.

If you find any other great deals, let us now!

{ 2 comments… read them below or add one }

Lori Glover January 25, 2019 at 7:15 am

I am confused….I was told recently by a Walgreen mangers if I don’t actually spend $25 on the Kimbley Clark deal the Catalina won’t print..after using my q’s n Walgreens booklet q’s …


Harriet January 25, 2019 at 12:00 pm

Yes you have to spend $25 AFTER all Walgreens coupons are scanned and that includes booklet coupons AND the 25%. Now in this scenario above no booklet qs are used because it’s a better deal with the 25% and they don’t work together. However, you can use Manufacturer’s coupons to drop down the $25 threshold and it won’t count against you.


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