Great news! Scott paper towels 6ct and Scott bath tissue are on sale B1G1 50% off this month! Right now there are 75¢ Scott coupons available to clip to your card which expire on Saturday. These have been available for a while, so you won’t see them if you’ve used them. Currently there is an ibotta offer for Scott Comfort Plus tissue. Keep in mind the value of this ibotta will vary by user.
Walgreens Deals (Thru 12/8 – when coupons expire)
Buy (1) Scott Comfort Plus 12 big rolls, $5 B1G1 50% off
Buy (1) Scott Paper Towels 6ct, $5 B1G1 50% off Sale Price
(1) 75¢/1 COTTONELLE® Toilet Paper(6ct+) or SCOTT® Bath Tissue (6ct+) exp. 12/8/18 Clip2Card
(1) 75¢/1 SCOTT® Towels (6 ct+) or Viva® Paper Towel or Viva® Vantage® Paper Towel (6 ct+) exp. 12/8/18 Clip2Card
Total = $6, Get back 70 Everyday Points
+ $1.50/1 Scott Comfort Plus 6ct+ibotta deposit (Value will vary by user)
or $1/1 Scott Comfort Plus 6ct+ibotta deposit (Value will vary by user)
or 50¢/1 Scott Comfort Plus 6ct+ibotta deposit (Value will vary by user)
= As low as $2.22 each!
Walgreens Deals (Thru 12/22 – when coupons expire)
Buy (1) Scott Comfort Plus 12 big rolls, $5 B1G1 50% off
Buy (1) Scott Paper Towels 6ct or (1) Scott Comfort Plus 12 big rolls, $5 B1G1 50% off Sale Price
(1) 50¢/1 Scott Bath Tissue, exp. 12/22/18 (SS 11/11/18) [4+ rolls]
(1) 50¢/1 Scott Towels, exp. 12/22/18 (SS 11/11/18) [6+ rolls]
OR 50¢/1 Scott Bath Tissue, exp. 12/22/18 (SS 11/11/18) [4+ rolls]
Total = $6.50, Get back 70 Everyday Points
+ $1.50/1 Scott Comfort Plus 6ct+ibotta deposit (Value will vary by user)
or $1/1 Scott Comfort Plus 6ct+ibotta deposit (Value will vary by user)
or 50¢/1 Scott Comfort Plus 6ct+ibotta deposit (Value will vary by user)
= As low as $2.47 each!

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