A wonderful new Kleenex Facial Tissue coupon has popped up available to clip to your card to save 75¢ on one box of tissue or Wet Wipes. The only tissue exclusion is trial size. I was super happy that it worked on the $1 85ct trusted care box! You’ll pick it up for just 24¢ after coupon and Everyday points.
Walgreens Deals (Thru 12/8 – when the coupon expires)
Buy (1) Kleenex 85ct, $1 Reg. Price
(1) 75¢/1 Kleenex Facial Tissue (not valid on travel/trial size) or Kleenex® Wet Wipes (20 ct+) Clip2Card
Total = 25¢, Get back 10 Everyday Points
= 24¢
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