Walgreens Coupons & Deals

New Johnson’s Baby Coupon – As Low As $1.81!

by Christie- on October 29, 2018

johnson's baby dealA new $2 JOHNSON’S® Product coupon has popped up good on wash, lotion, hair care, wipes, powder or oil!  Remember there is a balance rewards points deal this month to earn $5 (5,000 Balance Reward Points) for spending $15.  This coupon is limited to one, but look for a $2 Clip2Card coupon and a $1/1 Johnson’s Coupon available to print.

Walgreens Deals (Thru 11/3)
Buy (2) Johnson’s Face & Hand Wipes, $4.49 Reg. Price
Buy (1) Johnson’s Cotton Touch New Born Face & Body Lotion or Wash and Shampoo, $6.59 Reg. Price
(1) $2.00 OFF ONE (1) JOHNSON’S® Product, valid on wash, lotion, hair care, wipes, powder, oil (excluding trial & travel sizes and gift sets)
(1) $1/1 JOHNSON’S® Baby product. Excludes 1oz. – 4oz., trial sizes, gift sets and Petite PlanetTM
(1) $2/1 Johnsons P roduct valid on wash, lotion, hair care, wipes, powder, oil (excluding trial and travel size and gift sets) Clip2 Card
Total = $10.57, Get back 150 Everyday Points
+ $5 (5,000 Balance Reward Points) for spending $15
= $1.81 each

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