Walgreens Coupons & Deals

Palmolive Dish Detergent 74¢!

by Christie- on October 15, 2018

palmolive dealThe 10 oz bottles of Palmolive Dish liquid are on sale for 99¢ thru 11/3. There’s a new Palmolive dish detergent Clip2card coupon available. This one has an expiration date of, so you have until then to grab a bottle for just 74¢.

Walgreens Deals (Thru )
Buy (1) Palmolive Liquid 10oz 99¢ Sale Price
25¢ On any Palmolive® Ultra Dish Liquid (10.0 oz+) Clip2Card
Total = 74¢

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Mary October 18, 2018 at 7:41 am

Be on the lookout for clearance on this product. I found the lavender type for 39 cents at one store, bought all six remaining, and one of them–with this coupon–for 14 cents!


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