Walgreens Coupons & Deals

Kraft Parmesan 8oz Cheese $2.22 Each!

by Christie- on October 15, 2018

kraft parmesan dealThis week Kraft Parmesan Cheese and Classico Pasta Sauce 15 or 24oz are on sale B1G1 free! Remember that your base prices may vary. There is an awesome Kraft Parmesan Cheese/Classico Pasta sauce coupon available to clip to your card. I grabbed just TWO Kraft Parmesan cheeses and it came off!

Walgreens Deals (Thru 10/20)
Buy (2) Parmesan Cheese, $5.49 B1G1 Free
$1/2 KRAFT Grated Parmesan 8oz, CLASSICO Pasta Sauce 15-24oz, or PHILADELPHIA Cream Cheese items 8oz exp. 10/20 Clip2Card
Total = $4.49, Get back 50  Everyday Points
= $2.22 each

UPDATE: This coupon also works on just two jars of Classico sauce!

Buy (2) Classico Sauces, $2.99 B1G1 Free
$1/2 KRAFT Grated Parmesan 8oz, CLASSICO Pasta Sauce 15-24oz, or PHILADELPHIA Cream Cheese items 8oz exp. 10/20 Clip2Card
Total = $1.99, Get back 20 Everyday Points
= 98¢ each

Savings Tip: Do you use Fetch Rewards? You can potentially earn points when you do this deal, check your app for more! If you haven’t signed up, go HERE to learn how to easily earn Amazon, CVS & Target gift cards and more when you shop with Fetch Rewards!

(Thanks, lovedeals!)


{ 2 comments… read them below or add one }

lovedeals October 16, 2018 at 1:26 am

I bought 2 Classico pasta sauce on Sunday and coupon worked on that.


Kat October 16, 2018 at 1:49 pm

On a totally unrelated topic—in my attempts to use points I’m considering ordering $50 worth of chewy Walgreens vitamins online, since my store is pretty much depleted. I’m concerned I’ll get lousy expiration dates. Has anyone tried ordering their vitamins from Walgreens.com? If I do this and get crummy dates, can I return them to a store?


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