Woo hoo! A new Equal product coupon has popped up! Equal Zero Calorie Sweetener is on sale at Walgreens B1G1 Free. This is the 115 ct box. At my store it’s $3.99, but keep in mind that this price can vary by store. Check your ibotta app for an awesome offer for $1 cash back on any size or variety of Equal Zero Calorie Sweetener. The limit is 5 for this one. The ibotta reads thru November, and this sale runs thru 9/29. Keep in mind, however, that ibottas can be removed without notice.
Walgreens Deals (Thru 9/29)
Buy (2) Equal 115ct, $3.99 B1G1 Free
(1) $1.50/1 Equal product
Total = $2.49, Get back 30 Everyday Points
+ $2 (Two $1/1 Equal Sweetener any size or variety ibotta deposit (limit 5))
= 23¢ each

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