Walgreens Coupons & Deals

7Up, A&W, Canada Dry & Sunkist 2L Bottles 72¢ Each Thru Wednesday!

by Christie- on September 17, 2018

7p soda dealsTake a look at your Checkout 51 account for awesome offers on soft drinks. This week the 2 liter bottles of the Sunkist, Canada Dry and A&W are on sale for $1.99 each or 3/$3. There are separate Checkout offers for each of these for 55¢ cash back on two with a limit of 5 each! Remember you must grab at least three in order to get the price to drop down. Once the third one is scanned, all others will ring up at $1. Make sure you grab these in sets of two in order to qualify for the Checkouts.

Walgreens Deals thru (9/19)
Buy (4) Sunkist, Canada Dry and A&W 2L, $1.99 each or 3/$3 Sale Price
Total = $4, Get back 40 Everyday Points
+ Two offers:
55¢/2 A& W Root Beer 7.5 oz or 8 oz 6pk cand and 2L bottles Checkout 51 thru 9/19
OR 55¢/2 Canada Dry 7.5 oz or 8 oz 6pk cand and 2L bottles Checkout 51 thru 9/19
OR 55¢/2 Sunkist 7.5 oz or 8 oz 6pk cand and 2L bottles Checkout 51 thru 9/19
OR 55¢/2 7Up 7.5 oz or 8 oz 6pk cand and 2L bottles Checkout 51 thru 9/19
= 72¢ each

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