Walgreens Coupons & Deals

Axe & Suave Body Washes, Axe Body Sprays & Suave Deodorants 53¢ Each!

by Christie- on August 15, 2018

axe dealsThis deal is back this week on Axe. You’ll earn $3 (3,000 Balance Reward Points) when you spend $12, and this week Axe body sprays are on sale B1G1 50% off. The Axe body washes are B1G1 50% off all month. You can find an awesome FREE body wash Axe coupon when you buy a body spray in one of the Retailmenot ot 8/5. Here is a scenario for these. Remember your base prices may vary a little. At my store the body sprays are $5.99 each or 2/$10, so this week the first one is $5 and the second one is $2.50. Let me warn  you that the second coupon beeps that the coupon exceeds the value of the item. The value of the second body wash is $2.89, so your cashier will have to enter this amount manually. At my store, the cashier had no issues doing this, but if you have a less than friendly store, your bottom line may vary.

suave dealNot all threshold points work like this at Walgreens, but for this one you’ll earn $3 (3,000 Balance Reward Points) for every $12 worth of participating products in your transaction. Remember that this week you earn 10x Everyday points with in ad coupon, that you should also clip to your card. The value of your Suave body wash coupon varied by area, but remember that Unilever coupons have a limit of two identical, so here’s a scenario with Axe and Suave…

Walgreens Deals (Thru 8/11)
Buy (2) Axe Shower Gels, $5.79 B1G1 50% off Sale Price
Buy (2) Axe Body Sprays, $5.99 each or 2/$10 Buy More & Save Price + B1G1 50% off Sale Price
Buy (4) Suave or Suave Men Body Washes, $2 B1G1 50% off
Buy (2) Suave Deodorant 2.6oz, $2.19 B1G1 50% off
In-ad coupon for 10x Everyday Points + clip2Card
(2) Free AXE Body Wash WYB 1 body spray max $6.49 ets, exp. 8/18/18 (RMN 8/5/18 #3) [-$5.79, -$2.89]
(2) 50¢/1 Suave AP or Deo ets, exp. 8/25/18 (RMN 7/19/18)
(2) $1/2; 75¢/1 Suave Body Wash Products, exp. 8/25/18 (RMN 7/29/18)
Total = As low as $13.78, Get back 2,500 10x Everyday Points
+ $6 (3,000 Balance Reward Points for each $12 worth)
= 53¢ each!

Savings Tip: Do you use Fetch Rewards? You can potentially earn points when you do this deal, check your app for more! If you haven’t signed up, go HERE to learn how to easily earn Amazon, CVS & Target gift cards and more when you shop with Fetch Rewards!

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