Walgreens Coupons & Deals

Nice Deals on Huggies Diapers Coming Up!

by Christie- on August 10, 2018

Huggies diapersGrab your Huggies s coupons now. You’ll earn $10 (10,000 Balance Reward Points) for spending $50 on select baby products, including Huggies diapers. The Pull- ups are not pictured but it’s a good chance they will be included.  Also, there is an in ad coupon to earn 10x Everyday Points when you spend $20 on transactions $20+ like this one or Clip it to your card.

Walgreens Deals (Starting 8/12)
Buy (5) Huggies Diapers, $12.99 each or 2/$20 Reg. Price
In-ad coupon for 5x Everyday points + Clip2Card
(5) $2/1 HUGGIES Diapers (Not valid on 9 ct. or less)
Total = $40, Get back 5000 10x Everyday Points
+ $10 (10,000 Balance Reward Points) for spending $20
= $5 each

Buy (5) Pull-ups Jumbo packs, $12.99 each or 2/$20 Reg. Price
In-ad coupon for 5x Everyday points
(5) $2/1 PULL-UPS Training Pants or GOODNITES Nighttime Pants or Bed Mats (Not valid on 7 ct. or less)
Total = $40, Get back 5000 10x Everyday Points
+ $10 (10,000 Balance Reward Points) for spending $20
= $5 each

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