Walgreens Coupons & Deals

Butterfinger & SweeTarts only 22¢

by Christie Bisbee on June 22, 2018

SweeTart couponsThis week at Walgreens select candies are on sale for 39¢ including Butterfinger and SweeTarts. Plus, it looks like they are prompting a Catalina for $1/6 Butterfinger AND $1/6 SweeTarts that you can use on another transaction. So if you want to stock up on candy check out this deal…

Walgreens Deals (Thru 6/23)
Buy (1) Butterfingers 39¢
Buy (1) SweeTarts 39¢
Total = 78¢

Then use your Catalina to grab candy for only 22¢ each!

Walgreens Deals (Thru 6/23)
Buy (6) Butterfinger 39¢ each
Buy (6) SweeTarts 39¢ each
Total = $4.68,
$1/6 Butterfinger Catalina
$1/6 SweeTarts Catalina
Total = $2.68, Get Back 40 Everyday Points
= Just 22¢ Each!

(Thanks Christy T. !)

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