Walgreens Coupons & Deals

Zone Perfect Bars 69¢ Each!

by Christie- on May 2, 2018

zone perfect dealsIf you routinely  use protein bars, here are some deals you can grab this week. There are two different sales. The Zone Perfect bars are on sale for $1.69 each or 5/$5. You can use this ZonePerfect single bar coupon. The limit is two, and you must buy five in order to get the price to drop down. You can also Clip a 50¢ Zone Perfect Coupon to your card. Remember if you ever have issues with Clip2cards coming off, you can always call Walgreens Customer Service. They will reimburse you the value of the faulty coupon in points.

Walgreens Deals (Thru 5/5)
Buy (5) ZonePerfect bars, $1.69 each or 5/$5 Sale Price
(2) 50¢ OFF ONE (1) ZonePerfect single bar (any variety)
(1) 50¢ ONE (1) ZonePerfect® single bar (any variety) Clip2Card
Total = $3.50, Get back 50 Everyday Points
= 69¢ each

think thin kind bars dealThe Thinkthin bars are on sale for $1.99 each or 2/$3. You can find a high value Thinkthin coupon HERE. You’ll pay just 74¢ each after Everyday points

Buy (2) Thinkthin bars, $1.99 each or 2/$3 Sale Price
(2) 75¢/1 Thinkthin bar
Total = $1.50, Get back 30 Everyday Points
= 74¢ each

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