Next week Hellmann’s or Best Foods Mayonnaise 5.5 to 30 oz will be on sale for $2.99. Grab these Hellmann’s or Best Foods mayonnaise coupon to be ready. These are regional coupons, so you should see the brand carried in your area. It prints with an expiration date of 4/13. You’ll pay just $2.47 after Everyday Points.
Walgreens Deals (Starting 3/18)
Buy (1) Hellmann’s or Best Foods Mayonnaise 20-30oz, $2.99 Sale Price
(1) 50¢/1 Best Foods Mayonnaise Jar (24 oz. or larger), Squeeze (20 oz.), or Organic (15 oz)
OR 50¢/1 Hellmann’s Mayonnaise Jar (24 oz. or larger), Squeeze (20 oz.), or Organic (15 oz.)
Total = $2.49, Get back 20 Everyday Points
= $2.47

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