Woo hoo! There are new ibotta offers for 75¢ cash back on one Special K cereal 11.2oz or larger or one Snack bars/bites! The limit on these is 5 each per receipt! There’s a really nice monthly balance rewards points deal on select Kellogg’s Special K cereals and bars! You’ll earn $2 (2,000 Balance Reward Points) for spending $10. Select cereals and snack bars are on sale $2.99 each or 2/$5. In addition to the ones pictured above, I also spotted the Yogurt on sale and a included in this deal. The Chocolatey Delight is included in the points deal but it’s regularly priced. Be sure not to grab the pastry bars, for which the $1/2 coupon will not apply.
Walgreens Deals (Thru 1/20)
Buy (4) Kellogg’s Special K Cereals or Snack Chewy Bars 5.28oz, $2.99 each or 2/$5 Sale Price
In-ad coupon for 5x Everyday points
(4) 50¢/1 Kellogg’s Special K Cereal
OR (2) $1/2 Kellogg’s Special K Cereals 10.8oz, bars/bites 5.2oz, exp. 2/18/18 (RP 01/07/18 R)
Total = $8, Get back 500 5x Everyday Points
+ $3 — Four ibottas
75¢/1 Special K Cereal 11.2oz+ ibotta deposit (limit 5)
or 75¢/1 Special K Snack Bars Bites or Meal Bars ibotta (limit 5)
+ $2 (2,000 Balance Reward Points) for spending $10
= 63¢ each!
Walgreens Deals (1/21-1/27)
Buy (4) Kellogg’s Special K Cereals or Snack Chewy Bars 5.28oz, $2.99 each or 2/$5 Sale Price
(4) 50¢/1 Kellogg’s Special K Cereal
OR (2) $1/2 Kellogg’s Special K Cereals 10.8oz, bars/bites 5.2oz, exp. 2/18/18 (RP 01/07/18 R)
Total = $8, Get back 100 Everyday Points
+ $3 — Four ibottas
75¢/1 Special K Cereal 11.2oz+ ibotta deposit (limit 5)
or 75¢/1 Special K Snack Bars Bites or Meal Bars ibotta (limit 5)
+ $2 (2,000 Balance Reward Points) for spending $10
= 73¢ each!
In addition, there is a current promotion for a FREE Water bottle when you buy three participating Special K products! Check out more HERE. There is a limit of three bottles per customer.

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