Walgreens Coupons & Deals

General Mills Cereals Starting at $1.48!

by Christie- on January 4, 2018

nature valley baked oat bitesThis week you can pick up a great deal on the Nature Valley Baked Oat Bites! These are on sale for $3.99 each or two for $6. There’s a high value Nature Valley cereal coupon available to print. These will be just $1.97 per box. Remember to grab two coupons.

Walgreens Deals (thru 1/6)
Buy (2) Nature Valley Baked Oat Bites, $3.99 each or 2/$6 Sale Price
(2) $1/1 Nature Valley product listed: Granola Crunch Pouch • Protein Granola Pouch • Boxed Cereal
Total = $4, Get back 60 Everyday Points
= $1.97 each!

Next week select General Mills cereals 11.5-13 oz will be on sale for $2.49 each or 2/$4. The ad is picturing Cinnamon Toast Crunch and Lucky Charms, but there will likely be more inclusions.

Walgreens Deals (Starting 1/7)
Buy (2) General Mills Cereals 11.25-13oz, $1.99 Sale Price
(1) $1/2 General Mills (various)
OR (2) 50¢/1  Lucky Charms cereal
OR (2) 50¢/1 Cinnamon/Apple/Strawberry Toast Crunch
OR (2) 50¢/1 Chex cereal (various)
OR (2) 50¢/1 Multi Grain Cheerios cereal
OR (2) 50¢/1 Honey Nut or Medley Crunch Cheerios
OR (2) 50¢/1 Reese’s Puffs cereal
Total = $3, Get back 40 Everyday Points
= $1.48 each!

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