There are Playtex Baby product Checkout 51 offers available thru Wednesday! Remember there is also a Walgreens Coupon in the December Book. These products start at $6.49 for the Sipster cups. There is a bonus for redeeming two different rebates. These are limited to one each.
Walgreens Deals (Thru 12/20)
Buy (1) Playtex Sipster Cup, $6.49 Reg. Price
$2/1 Playtex Bottles or Liners · Straw or Spout Cups · Diaper Genie II Refills (5664), Walgreens, December
Total = $4.49, Get back 40 Everyday Points
+ $2/1 Playtex Sipsters cups Checkout 51 thru 12/20
= $2.45
Buy (1) Playtex Baby Bottle, $7.49 Reg. Price
$2/1 Playtex Bottles or Liners · Straw or Spout Cups · Diaper Genie II Refills (5664), Walgreens, December
Total = $5.49, Get back 50 Everyday Points
+ $2/1 Playtex Baby Bottle Checkout 51 thru 12/20
= $3.44
Buy (1) Playtex Baby Bottle, $7.49 Reg. Price
Buy (1) PLaytex Nurser Drop-Ins Liners, $10.99 Reg. Price
$2/1 Playtex Bottles or Liners · Straw or Spout Cups · Diaper Genie II Refills (5664), Walgreens, December
Total = $14.48, Get back 140 Everyday Points
+ $2/1 Playtex Baby Bottle Checkout 51 thru 12/20
+ $2/1 Playtex Baby Nurser Drop-Ins Liners Checkout 51 thru 12/20
+ 75¢ bonus when you redeem two other offer to be received 12/22
= $10.43 for both items or like saving 46% off the regular prices

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