Walgreens Coupons & Deals

New $1 Purex Coupon = Detergents $1.98 Each

by Christie- on October 9, 2017

purex dealGreat news! A brand new Purex coupon has popped up! This one is good on any size detergent and it has a super long expiration date of 1/23/18! It is a different coupon that was available last week, so you’ll be able to print it again even if you maxed out on your prints last week.

Remember the smaller 43.5 to 50 oz bottles of Purex detergents are on sale B1G1 Free thru 11/4. I found these for $4.99, but your base price may vary slightly by store. You’ll pick up each bottle for $1.98.

Walgreens Deals (thru 11/4)
Buy (2) Purex Detergent 43.5-50oz, $4.99 B1G1 Free Sale Price
(1) $1.00 on any ONE (1) Purex Liquid Laundry Detergent (any size)
Total = $3.99, Get Back 40 Everyday Points
= $1.98 each

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The Deal October 10, 2017 at 12:23 am

The Walgreens in my region has this deal B1G1, but the price is more. It is $5.49 not $4.99. Bummer. Weird since the Arm & Hammer deal is $1.99 but this isn’t $4.99…


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