Walgreens Coupons & Deals

New Cottonelle Coupons = $3.07 for 6ct Mega Roll Packs!

by Christie- on August 27, 2017

cottonelle dealNew Cottonelle coupons have popped up! These have an expiration date of 9/10, but you can use the bath tissue coupon right now. This week the 6ct mega rolls are on sale for just $4.99, and remember that there is a national catalina working at Walgreens to earn $3 RR for spending $15 or more on Cottonelle. If your store routinely participates, you’ll grab an awesome deal. Keep in mind that each Mega Roll equals 2.5 Clean Care Big Rolls that we usually buy at Walgreens.

My ibotta reads thru today, but these dates can sometimes vary so be sure to check your app.

Walgreens Deals (thru 9/2 – or until ibotta lasts)
Buy (4) Cottonelle Bath Tissue 6 Mega Rolls, $4.99 Sale Price
(4) SAVE $1.00 on any ONE COTTONELLE® Toilet Paper (6-pack or larger)
Total = $15.96, Get Back 190 Everyday Points
+ $3 RR for spending $15+
+ 50¢/1 Cottonelle Bath Tissue 6ct+ ibotta 
= $3.07 each

If you don’t make it to the store before the ibotta disappears…

Buy (4) Cottonelle Bath Tissue 6 Mega Rolls, $4.99 Sale Price
(4) SAVE $1.00 on any ONE COTTONELLE® Toilet Paper (6-pack or larger)
Total = $15.96, Get Back 190 Everyday Points
+ $3 RR for spending $15+
= $3.19 each

cottonelle register reward announcementIf you would just like to grab one package today, here’s your deal…

Buy (1) Cottonelle Bath Tissue 6 Mega Rolls, $4.99 Sale Price
(1) SAVE $1.00 on any ONE COTTONELLE® Toilet Paper (6-pack or larger)
Total = $3.99, Get Back 40 Everyday Points
50¢/1 Cottonelle Bath Tissue 6ct+ ibotta
= $3.45

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