If you haven’t picked up facial tissues for your school supplies list, be sure to grab the Puffs this week! The 56ct box of Puffs is on sale for 99¢. The bigger 124 and 180 ct boxes are on sale for $1.79 each or 2/$3. Take a look at your Checkout 51 account for an offer back on any Puffs. I have a 75¢ on one box, but it’s possible the value of this offer will vary by user. You are not allowed a coupon to redeem this one. Here are some ideas…
Walgreens Deals (Thru 8/23)
Buy (1) Puffs Facial Tissue 56ct, 99¢ Sale Price
Total = 99¢, Get back 75¢/1 Puffs Facial Tissue Checkout 51 thru 8/23 (Value may vary by user)
= 24¢!
Walgreens Deals (Thru 8/26)
Buy (1) Puffs Facial Tissue 56ct, 99¢ Sale Price
(1) 25¢ OFF ONE Puffs Facial Tissue product 68 sheets or smaller (excludes Puffs To-Go 10 ct and trial/travel size)
Total = 74¢
Buy (2) Puffs facial Tissue 124 or 180 sheets, $1.79 each or 2/$3 Sale Price
(1) 50¢/1 Puffs Facial Tissue product 72 sheets or larger (excludes Puffs To-Go and trial/travel size) (limit 1)
(1) 25¢/1 Puffs Facial Tissues ets & to go singles, exp. 8/26/17 (P&G 7/30/17)
Total = $2.25, Get Back 30 Everyday Points
= $1.11 each!

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