Walgreens Coupons & Deals

General Mills Cereals $1.14 Next Week!

by Christie- on July 21, 2017

cereal dealNext week select General Mills Cereals will be on sale for $1.99. Remember there is a monthly register reward deal working on these. If your store routinely participates, you’ll earn $2 RR WYB $10-$14.99, $3.50 RR WYB $15-$19.99 or $5 RR WYB $20. The Cinnamon Toast Crunch and the Hone Nut Cheerios are pictured, but there will likely be more inclusions, so you’ll want to grab your General Mills Cereals coupons now and be ready. Here is a scenario for $1.14 per box!

Walgreens Deals (Starting 7/23)
Buy (6) General Mills Cereals, $1.99 Sale Price
(3) $1/2 General Mills cereal listed
OR 50¢/1 Toast Crunch Cereals (various)
OR 50¢/1 Honey Nut OR Honey Nut Cheerios Medley Crunch cereal
Total= $8.94, Get back 110 Everyday Points
+ $2 RR for spending $10
= $1.14 each

Here are some more coupons that will come in handy.

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