We have a new Snickers coupon available to print today. This one will really come in handy at Walgreens. Snickers bars are regularly priced at 2/$2 so just 62¢ each. Or you can print the coupon and save it for the week of 6/25 when Snickers bars will be on sale for 69¢. That will make these only 31¢ each! My coupon printed with a 6/30 expiration date so you’ll have no problem using them for this sale.
Walgreens Deals (6/25 – 6/30)
Buy (2) Snickers Singles, 69¢ each Sale Price
$0.75 on any TWO (2) SNICKERS Singles Bars
= Just 31¢ Each
Walgreens Deals – Reg Price
Buy (2) Snickers Singles, 2/$2 Reg Price
$0.75 on any TWO (2) SNICKERS Singles Bars
= Just 62¢ Each

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