Next week it will be a great time to pick up Campbell’s Condensed Chicken Noodle or Tomato soups. These will be on sale for 79¢ with in-ad coupon. Put that together with the Campbell’s condensed soup coupon from the Smartsource of 1/1. You’ll pick up each can for just 68¢ after everyday points.
Walgreens Deals (Starting 2/5)
Buy (5) Campbell’s Condensed Chicken or Tomato Soup 10.75oz, 79¢ w/ In-Ad Q
In Ad Coupon for Campbell’s (1000), p. 6
(1) 50¢/5 Campbell’s Condensed Chicken Noodle, Tomato or Cream of Mushroom Soups, exp. 2/26/17 (1/1/17)
Total = $2.70, Get Back 30 Everyday Points
= 68¢ each!

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