Walgreens Coupons & Deals

New Pretzel Crisps Coupon + Monthly Sale!

by Christie- on January 18, 2017

pretzel crisps dealA new, rare Pretzel Crips coupon is available to print. You’ll save $1 on two 5 oz or larger bags. It prints with an expiration date of 2/15, but you can use it right now. Thru 1/28, the Snack Factory Pretzel chips are on sale for $2.99 each or two for $5.

Walgreens Deals (Thru 1/28)
Buy (2) Pretzel Crisps 7oz, $2.99 each or 2/$5 Sale Price
$1.00 off any Two (2) Snack Factory Pretzel Crisps products (5 oz. or larger)
Total = $4, Get Back 50 Everyday Points
= $1.98 each

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