Walgreens Coupons & Deals

Campbell’s Condensed Cream of Chicken or Mushroom Soups 73¢ Each

by Christie- on January 9, 2017

campbells-cream-of-chicken2It’s a great time to stock up on these great recipe starters! Campbell’s Condensed Cream of Chicken and Cream of Mushroom Soups are on sale this week for 99¢. You can use this Campbell’s Condensed Soups coupon when you buy 5. You’ll pay just 73¢ per can.

Walgreens Deals (thru 1/14)
Buy (5) Campbell’s Condensed Cream of Chicken or Mushroom Soup 10.5oz 99¢ Sale Price
$1.25/5 Campbell’s Condensed Soups
Total = $3.70, Get Back 50 Everyday Points
= 73¢ each

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