Walgreens Coupons & Deals

Surprise RR + New Coupon for Glade Sprays & Solid Air Fresheners = 45¢ Each

by Christie- on January 8, 2017

glade-sprays-solids-dealWe have a new B3G1 Glade coupon that you can use this week to get a great deal at Walgreens! Glade Sprays and Solid Air Fresheners are on sale thru 1/28 for $1.49 each or 3 for $4. Plus, there’s a national catalina deal working at Walgreens that runs thru 1/22! If your store routinely participates in these, you’ll be able to grab an awesome deal. This is the national catalina offer: 55¢ RR WYB 2-3, $1.25 RR wyb 4-5, $2.25 RR WYB 6. I bought 4 and received my $1.25 RR!

Keep in mind, the fourth item will ring up at $1.34, but keep in mind that the maximum value of the coupon is $1. Also, take a look at your Checkout 51 account for an offer to earn $1.25 when you buy four. Put all this together, and you’ll pay

glade-sprays-and-solids-checkoutWalgreens Deals (thru 1/11)
Buy (4) Glade Room Sprays 8oz or Solid Air Fresheners, $1.49 each or 3/$4 Sale Price
(1) Buy (3) Glade Aerosols or Solid Air Fresheners, get ONE (1) FREE (Max: $1.00)
Total = $4.34, Get back 50 Everyday Points
+ $1.25 RR for buying 4-5
+ $1.25/4 Glade Room Sprays or Solid Air Fresheners Checkout 51 thru 1/11
= 45¢ per itemglade-register-reward

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