Walgreens Coupons & Deals

Johnson’s Baby Toiletries Starting At 73¢!

by Christie- on December 6, 2016

johnsons-baby-dealsDo you have a little one at home or are you expecting? Or maybe you need a baby shower gift for someone? Well check out this awesome deal! This week Johnson’s Baby toiletries are on sale B1G1 50% off, plus for select varieties  there is also a $2 Walgreens Coupon in the December Book that will also apply. Put these together with a manufacturer coupon, and you can grab some awesome deals!

I didn’t find everything labeled for the B1G1 50% off, but I asked for price checks, so if you’re interested in something  you don’t see here, be sure to check the price. Just be sure to spot the label for the Walgreens coupon. The coupon reads 3.5-16 oz but it’s not for everything within that range, only select products.

Walgreens Deals (Thru 12/10)
Buy (2) Johnson’s Baby Lotion 15oz, $4.99 B1G1 50% off
(1) $2/1 Desitin 3.5-16oz or select Johnson & Johnson (5907), Walgreens, December [-$4]
(1) $2/2 Johnson’s excl 1-4oz or Desitin excl 1oz Products, exp. 1/1/17 (SS 11/6/16 R)
OR $1/2 Johnson’s excl 1-4oz or Desitin excl 1oz Product
Total = As low as $1.48, Get Back 30 Everyday Points
= 73¢ each!

Buy (2) Johnson’s Baby Shampoo, Baby Oil, or Head-to-Toe Wash 15oz, $5.49 B1G1 50% off
(1) $2/1 Desitin 3.5-16oz or select Johnson & Johnson (5907), Walgreens, December [-$4]
(1) $2/2 Johnson’s excl 1-4oz or Desitin excl 1oz Products, exp. 1/1/17 (SS 11/6/16 R)
OR $1/2 Johnson’s excl 1-4oz or Desitin excl 1oz Product
Total = As low as $2.23, Get Back 40 Everyday Points
= $1.10 each!

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