Walgreens Coupons & Deals

Hurry! New Cottonelle Coupons = Just $3.46

by Christie- on July 1, 2016

cottonelle toilet paper dealNew Cottonelle Coupons have popped up today! These print with an expiration date of 7/15. But you can use the Cottonelle Toilet Paper Coupon next week. The 12 pack of large rolls will be on sale for just $4.99, plus there is a Walgreens Coupon in the July Book. After this stack and Everyday points, you’ll pay just $3.46 which works out to just 29¢ per large roll 🙂 .

Walgreens Deals (Starting 7/3)
Buy (1) Cottonelle Bath Tissue 12 Large rolls, $4.99 Sale Price
$1/1 Cottonelle Bath Tissue 12 Large Rolls · Flushable Wipes 168pk (5020)
(1) SAVE 50¢ on any ONE COTTONELLE® Toilet Paper (6-pack or larger)
Total = $3.49, Get Back 30 Everyday Points
= $3.46

{ 2 comments… read them below or add one }

Donna July 1, 2016 at 8:36 pm

Does the toilet tissue fall under the beauty and personal care for 5,000 points when you spend $25?


Christie Bisbee July 1, 2016 at 9:18 pm

I don’t believe so.


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