Walgreens Coupons & Deals

Purex Crystals Just $1.72 (Reg. $5.99)

by Christie Bisbee on June 30, 2016

Purex Crystals CouponsWe have a new Purex Crystals Checkout51 offer available today. You’ll earn $1 cash back when you buy (1) Purex Crystals (limit 2). And you’ll also earn an additional 50¢ 4th of July bonus for redeeming (2) select offers. Purex Crystals are on sale thru 7/30 at Walgreens, B1G1 Free. So that makes these just $1.72 each. That’s a great price for these!

Prices can vary slightly from store to store, so you may find these for even less in your area. Remember you can use points or Register Rewards to pay for your purchase.

Walgreens Deals (Thru 7/6)
(2) Purex Crystals Fragrance Boosters $5.99 B1G1 Free
Total = $5.99, Get Back 50 EveryDay Points
Get Back $2 – $1/1 Purex Crystals Checkout51 Offer (Limit 2)
Get Back 50¢ for redeeming (2) offers with the 4th of July Bonus
= Just $1.72 Each

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