Even better, check your store for a Walgreens Eye & Ear Care Booklet.There is another Walgreens Coupon that you can use on Clear Eyes for an additional $1 off. Keep in mind that Walgreens Coupon Policy allows for applicable Walgreens coupon(s) for the purchase of a single item. At my store these are $4.29, but your price may vary slightly. So the price of the second item is $2.14. One of the Walgreens coupons, whichever is scanned last, will auto-adjust to make the second item completely free. So you can only use one manufacturer coupon in this deal below…
Walgreens Deals (Thru 5/28)
Buy (2) Clear Eyes Redness Relief, Maximum Itchy Eye Relief, Triple Action or Contact Lens Multi Action Relief .5oz, $4.29 B1G1 50% off
$2/1 Clear Eyes Eye Relief .5oz (5492), Walgreens May [-$4]
$1/1 Clear Eyes Eye Drops .5oz (5277), exp. 4/1/17 (Walgreens Eye & Ear Care) [-$1.14]
(1) 50¢/1 Clear Eyes product or exp. 6/30/16 (SS 5/22/16)
Total = 79¢, Get Back 10 Everyday Points
= 35¢ each
If you wear contact lenses, sign in to your Walgreens Account to see if you have a manufacturer’s coupon for $1 Clear Eyes Contacts Lens Multiaction that you can clip to your card.
$2/1 Clear Eyes Eye Relief .5oz (5492), Walgreens May [-$4]
$1/1 Clear Eyes Eye Drops .5oz (5277), exp. 4/1/17 (Walgreens Eye & Ear Care) [-$1.14]
(1) $1/1 Clear Eyes Contact Lens Multi Action (Clip to Card)
Total = 29¢, Get Back 10 Everyday Points
= 14¢ each
$2/1 Clear Eyes Eye Relief .5oz (5492), Walgreens May [-$4]
Total = $1.93, Get Back 20 Everyday Points
= 96¢ each
Please note neither Walgreens Coupon will scan on the Pure Relief or the Cooling varieties…

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