Walgreens Coupons & Deals

Ajax Dish Detergent As Low As 39¢!

by Christie- on April 18, 2016

Ajax Dish Detergent As Low As 39¢!This week you can grab an awesome deal on Ajax Dish Soap. The 12.6 oz bottle is on sale for 89¢ with the in-ad coupon. Check your Smartsource insert from today’s paper for a 25¢ Ajax Coupon. Also Check your ibotta app for a possible offer to earn 25¢ cash back when you buy any brand dish soap 10 oz or more. Remember these Any Brand Ibotta offers can vary by user. Be sure to check your app to see if this awesome deal is available to you 🙂 .

Walgreens Deals (thru 4/23)
Ajax Dish Liquid 12.6oz 89¢ w/ In-Ad Q
In-ad Coupon for Ajax (1305), p. 3
25¢/1 Ajax Dish Liquid 12.6oz+, exp. 5/7/16 (SS 4/17/16)
Total = 64¢, Ger back 25¢/1 Any Brand Dish soap 10oz+ ibotta deposit thru 4/23
= As low as 39¢

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