Check your redplum insert from this past weekend for a Skittles, Starburst coupon you can use on Skittles 4 oz or larger or Starburst 3.45 oz or larger! Sharing size Skittles candy are on sale B1G1 Free.
Look for this special display with specially marked Skittles that come with special codes inside that will earn you a free movie ticket (up to $10) when you enter 5 codes off the specially marked packages. Be careful to select bags 4oz or larger. I noticed sour flavor sharing size at my store were 3.3 oz, and the coupon is only good on 4oz or larger for Skittles.
Walgreens Deals (thru 4/30)
Buy (10) Specially Marked Sour Skittles Sharing Size 4oz, $1.99 B1G1 Free
(2) $1/2 Skittles 4oz, Starburst 3.45oz+, or Eclipse, Orbit or Juicy Fruit Gum Bottles, exp. 7/3/16 (RP 04/10/16)
Total = $7.95, Get Back 80 EveryDay Points
= $7.87 for (10) Sharing Size Candies + Two Free Movie Tickets!
Although I didn’t notice any Specially marked packages for Starburst for the Movie ticket, the 3.45 oz bags are also included in the B1G1 Free sale…
Buy (4) Starburst Sharing Size 3.45oz, $1.99 B1G1 Free
(1) $1/2 Skittles 4oz, Starburst 3.45oz+, or Eclipse, Orbit or Juicy Fruit Gum Bottles, exp. 7/3/16 (RP 04/10/16)
Total = $2.98, Get Back 30 EveryDay Points
= 74¢ each!

{ 3 comments… read them below or add one }
Will that same coupon work on 1.80 or 2.0 oz bags? The Walgreens by my house has the sour skittles for $0.29 which would be a great deal if those coupons work.
Sorry, I meant to reference the following:
“Skittles Original, 1.8-oz. Skittles Sour, 2.07-oz, Starburst Original, or Juicy Fruit Original or Sour slimpacks. Cannot be combined with any other coupon.”
Hi, I don’t quite get your math on the skittles. They are $1.99 B1G1 or 2/$3.50 (which is their normal price). So I bought them today and the 10 packs were $9.95…the 2 $1 coupons took it down to $8. Your math makes it sound like you get the B1G1 of the $1.75 price (2/3.50), but it doesn’t work like that…still a great deal for $20 worth of movie coupons! Thanks for the info.