Walgreens Coupons & Deals

Vaseline Men Lotion $1.11 Each!

by Christie- on March 25, 2016

Vaseline men dealThis week you can pick up a really nice deal on Vaseline lotions for men. The Vaseline Men 10 oz lotion is included in the B1G1 50% off sale.

Check your Redplum inserts from this past weekend for a high value coupon you can use on these. I spotted these for $4.19, however, your price may vary a little bit. After Everyday points, you’ll pay as little as $1.11 each!

Walgreens Deals (thru 3/26)
(2) Vaseline Men Lotion 10oz, $4.19 B1G1 50% off
(2) $2/1 Vaseline Men Lotion or Spray Lotion 10oz+, exp. 4/17/16 (RP 03/20/16)
Total = $2.28, Get Back 60 Everyday Points
= Just $1.11 each

Savings Tip: There is a SavingStar offer for $2.00 on (1) Vaseline® Men Lotion (10 oz. or larger) or Spray Lotion product

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