Walgreens Coupons & Deals

New $4 Infusium Printable Coupon + B2G1 Free Sale = Just $1.14 Each (Reg. $5.99)

by Christie- on March 13, 2016

Infusium As Low As $1.14!We have a couple of really nice NEW high value Infusium coupons to print today! I see both a $4 and $2 off coupon. Remember this whole month you can grab one free hair care product when you buy two hair care products at Walgreens. The Leave-in Treatments are $5.99 and the Shampoos & Conditioners are $7.29. It’s best if you buy all shampoos/conditioners or all treatments. You’ll pay just $1.14 for the leave-in treatment or $1.96 for the shampoo and or conditioners! Here are some deal ideas for you.

Walgreens Deals (thru 4/2)
Buy (3) Infusium Repair & Renew Argan & Keratin or Moisture Replenisher Avocado & Olive Oil Leave-In Treatments 8oz, $5.99 B2G1 Free
(2) $4/1 Infusium23 Shampoo, Conditioner or Leave In Treatment
In-Ad Coupon for 5x Everyday Points (front page)
Total = As low as $3.98, Get Back 550 (5x Everyday Points)
= Just $1.14 each

Buy (3) Infusium Shampoos or Conditioners, $7.29 B2G1 Free
(2) $4/1 Infusium23 Shampoo, Conditioner or Leave In Treatment
In-Ad Coupon for 5x Everyday Points (front page)
Total = As low as $6.58, Get Back 700 (5x Everyday Points)
= Just $1.96 each

{ 4 comments… read them below or add one }

Vickie March 13, 2016 at 11:39 am

I cannot get the smart source coupons to print. They download as a .fdf file and say click to print, but then just get a blank sheet. Anyone having this problem? Have looked everywhere but cannot find any usable info on this. Used to print just fine when they were Java coupons!


harriet March 13, 2016 at 9:04 pm

Make sure you have installed Adobe acrobat Reader DC, I have version 2015.010.20060, and I am able to print. If you have other adobes or acrobat professional it will try to open but will print nothing. Once you have it installed it will ask, “this document is trying to print do you want to allow?” click yes and q will pop out.


karen March 14, 2016 at 8:11 am

Mine are printing in black and white. Wonder why that is?


melissa rhodes March 15, 2016 at 11:54 pm

I do not see the coupon. is it regional?


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