Walgreens Coupons & Deals

M&M’s Just $1.13 a Bag!

by Christie Bisbee on February 19, 2016

M&M's CouponsWe have a great upcoming deal on M&M’s at Walgreens! Starting Sunday 9.9 to 12.6oz bags of M&M’s will be on sale for 4/$10 and you’ll get $3 (3,000 Balance Rewards Points) when you spend $10+ on M&M’s. We also have an M&M’s coupon we can use. And lastly you can scan the 5x offer in the ad for even more points.

Put it all together and you’ll pay just $1.13 a bag! This is a great price, so consider grabbing some and getting a head start on your Easter candy.

Walgreens Deals (Starting 2/21)
Buy (4) M&M’s Bags 9.9 to 12.6oz 4/$10
(2) $1/2 M&M’s bags, DOVE eggs (8oz+), SNICKERS or TWIX Easter Minis (11oz+)
(1) 5x EveryDay Points Coupon on front of ad
Total = $8, Get Back $3 (3,000 Balance Rewards Points) + 500 EveryDay Points
= Just $1.13 a Bag!

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