Walgreens Coupons & Deals

Oreos 11¢ Each + Other Nabisco Cookie Deals!

by Christie- on February 18, 2016

Oreos 11¢ Each + Other Nabisco Cookie Deals!This week the smaller boxes of Nabisco cookies are on sale for 99¢. There is a new Checkout 51 offer to earn $1 cash back when you buy two Oreos 4.5oz or larger! There is also a coupon you can use from the Smartsource of 1/17. You’ll pay just 11¢ per box!

Walgreens Deals (thru 2/20)
Buy (2) Nabisco Oreos 5.25oz, Golden Oreos 5.5oz or Stuffed Oreos 6oz 99¢ Sale Price
(1) 75¢/2 Nabisco Cookies or Crackers 4.5oz+, exp. 2/27 (SS 1/17/16)
Total = $1.23, Get back  10 Everyday Points
+ $1/2 Any Oreo Cookies 4.5oz + Checkout 51 deposit thru 2/24
= 11¢ each!

Oreos 11¢ Each + Other Nabisco Cookie Deals!If you’d like to please your entire family with their favorite cookies, the other Nabisco cookies are a great deal too. Remember to only choose cookies, since the crackers are too small for the coupon size specification.

Buy (2) Nabisco Nutter Butter 4.8oz, Chips Ahoy! 6oz or Chewy 5.12oz , Stuffed Oreos 6oz, Lorna Doone 5oz, or Fig Newtons 6.5oz, 99¢ Sale Price
(1) 75¢/2 Nabisco Cookies or Crackers 4.5oz+, exp. 2/27 (SS 1/17/16)
Total = $1.23, Get back  10 Everyday Points
= 61¢ each

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