Walgreens Coupons & Deals

New Dr. Pepper & Cheez-It Coupon + This Week’s Sale!

by Christie- on February 12, 2016

dr. pepper pringles cheez-it new couponA new, awesome Dr Pepper & Cheez-it or Pringles coupon just popped up! This one can be used when you buy one twelve pack of Dr. pepper or two 2 liter bottles AND one Cheez-it or Pringles product. It prints with an expiration date of 2/29.

dr pepper cheez it dealYou can use this one thru tomorrow. The Cheez-It Grooves are on sale for $2.99 each or 2/$5. Dr. Pepper 12 packs are $4.99 each or 3/$8, but keep in mind this soda deal may vary by area. Be sure to check your ad. Here are a couple of ideas. Once you have two crackers in your transaction, the third one will be $2.50. Next week the Dr. Pepper 12pks will be 3/$12 and the Pringles 3/$4, so you can always hold this coupon to use next week.

Walgreens Deals (thru 2/13)
Buy (3) Dr. Pepper 12 packs, $4.99 ea or 3/$8 Sale Price
Buy (3) Cheez-It Grooves 9oz, $2.99 each or 2/$5 Sale Price
(3) $1.50 on ONE 12pk or TWO 2L of Dr Pepper AND ONE Cheez-it Baked Crackers 9oz+ or Pringles 160g+ (68130)
Total = $11, Get back 150 Everyday Points
= $1.81 per item!

Buy (3) Dr. Pepper 12 packs, $4.99 ea or 3/$8 Sale Price
Buy (2) Cheez-It Grooves 9oz, $2.99 each or 2/$5 Sale Price
(2) $1.50 on ONE 12pk or TWO 2L of Dr Pepper AND ONE Cheez-it Baked Crackers 9oz+ or Pringles 160g+ (68130)
Total = $10, Get back 130 Everyday Points
= $1.97 per item!

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