Walgreens Coupons & Deals

Wrigley’s 5 Gum 49¢ Each

by Christie- on January 11, 2016

Wrigley's 5 Gum 49¢ EachThis week you can grab a great deal on Wrigley’s 5 Gum which are on sale for 99¢. Plus there is a Snap offer to earn 50¢ cash back when you buy one. This offer reads “any flavor,” however, it goes on to list Wintermint Ascent, Watermelon Prism, Spearmint Rain or Peppermint Cobalt. Walgreens also carries Fruit Tempo and React Mint which are not listed in the offer. You may want to stick to the four flavors listed so you are ceratain to qualify for the cash back offer.

Walgreens Deals (thru 1/16)
Buy (1) Wrigley’s Wintermint Ascent, Watermelon Prism, Spearmint Rain or Peppermint Cobalt 5 Gum 15 pcs 99¢
Total = 99¢, Get Back 50¢/1 Wintermint Ascent, Watermelon Prism, Spearmint Rain, and Peppermint Cobalt 5 Gum Single or Multipack Snap Deposit
= Just 49¢

Savings Tip: Don’t forget this week you can pick up the Juicy Fruit Gum for just 19¢ this week at Walgreens.

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