Walgreens Coupons & Deals

New Carmex Lip Balm Coupon + Points Deal!

by Christie- on January 2, 2016

New Carmex Lip Balm Coupon + Points Deal!A new Carmex Lip Balm coupon  has popped up. This one prints with a super long expiration date of 3/31/16. There’s a Balance Rewards Deal thru 1/30 to earn $1 (1,000 Balance Reward Points) when you buy four Carmex lip balms. These are regularly priced for $1.59; however, we are likely to see a sale price some time during the month. Remember though that Carmex coupons don’t usually last very long, so be sure and print it now. You can grab this deal below or hold them for a sale 😉 .

Walgreens Deals (thru 1/30)
Buy (4) Carmex Lip Balms, $1.59 Reg. Price
(4) 25¢/1 Carmex Lip Balm Product (68130)
Total = $5.36, Get Back $1 (1,000 Balance Reward Points) + 60 Everyday Points
= $1.08 each

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